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Do Long Distance Relationships last?

Long-distance relationships

Some of us are lucky enough to be in a relationship with someone who lives down the street, but some of us aren’t so lucky. With modern technology, long-distance relationships have become more common than ever before. But they still come with unique challenges. If you’re wondering whether your LDR can last or if it’s doomed from the start, here’s what experts had to say about what makes for a healthy long-distance relationship:

They can and do last, but both partners need to be in it for the long haul.

The myth that a long-distance relationship is temporary or a break from each other has to be dispelled once and for all. It is not! The only way it can work is if both partners are committed to making it work, even though they may not see each other daily, or ever again.

A long-distance relationship requires complete trust and honesty from both partners, who must have the same level of commitment as they would if they were living together.

This means that neither party should flirt with other people while apart; neither should engage in any behaviors that would cause them to forget their love for one another. If this happens, then there’s really no point in continuing with your LDR at all!

Long-distance relationships are a lot of work.

While long-distance relationships can be great, they’re also hard. For one thing, you’ll have to spend a lot of time learning how to communicate with each other in a way that works for both of you. This can be difficult if you’re using different forms of technology. Like if your partner is on Facebook Messenger and you’re on Snapchat or something. But if done right it can help strengthen the bond between two people who might never have met otherwise!

Another important part of working with a long-distance partner is being honest about what’s going on in your life and what kind of support system (or lack thereof) exists around each person so that they feel safe expressing themselves without fear that their partner will react poorly or leave them because they did so. When someone isn’t honest about these things then no matter how much effort goes into making things work out between them there will always be an underlying tension between them which may lead eventually cause problems down the road when one party feels hurt by something else happening outside their control again later down this road unexpectedly later on too soon after

It can be challenging to know whether your long-distance relationship is truly healthy when you’re not in each other’s physical presence.

It can be challenging to know whether your long-distance relationship is truly healthy when you’re not in each other’s physical presence. You can’t see each other’s body language or hear their tone of voice. You can’t really know if they are telling you the truth. And it’s hard to know how they react to your presence without seeing their expressions or hearing what they have to say.

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You can’t get caught up comparing your long-distance relationship to others’ “normal” relationships.

As you may have realized, comparing your long-distance relationship to others’ “normal” relationships will only serve to make you feel bad about yourself and your situation.

The truth is that there are a lot of things about your relationship that are different from other people’s relationships, but believing that this makes yours less valid or healthy will only perpetuate the negative feelings you’re experiencing right now.

It’s important to take advantage of the time you do spend together, even if it’s seemingly mundane or unromantic.

It’s important to take advantage of the time you do spend together, even if it’s seemingly mundane or unromantic. Don’t feel like you have to go out every time you see each other. Instead, make dinner at home and enjoy your favorite show together on the couch. If that sounds boring, remember: sometimes a day in which nothing much happens is better than one where everything goes wrong (and trying to fix those things can be stressful).

It also helps to keep in touch even when apart—not just in person but with texts, phone calls and emails as well. It’s so easy to take each other for granted when we’re too busy living our own lives to notice what we’re doing without each other; but if we really care about one another then we should always remind ourselves why it means so much for us both to be together again soon enough!

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The most common communication tools among couples in long-distance relationships are text messaging, email, and phone calls.

While most long-distance couples use the Internet to communicate, there is a definitive hierarchy of communication tools. First and foremost is text messaging, followed by email and then phone calls. While texting can be used as a way to check in on your partner or send them an encouraging message, it’s not going to give you all the benefits of face-to-face conversation.

If you’re looking for more meaningful conversation than quick exchanges about what each other had for lunch (which is probably why you’re spending so much time apart), try emailing instead. You’ll have more space to share your thoughts and feelings with each other, which will help strengthen your bond over time.

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The most common form of communication among couples in long distance relationships is text messaging. However, this can sometimes lead to frustration on both sides as well as run out of things to say because neither party has any physical interaction with one another during these conversations except when they’re together every few months or so which aren’t enough times throughout an entire year

Couples who have busy schedules may find it helpful to make recurring appointments with each other and stick to them, just like they would with anyone else in their life.

In addition to the above, you can also make recurring appointments with each other. This is a good idea if one or both of you have a busy schedule and don’t always have time for each other.

You’ll want to decide on a time and place where you can meet up regularly—and then stick with it! If your schedules are flexible enough for spontaneous get-togethers, those are great too. Just make sure that when those plans do come about, neither one of you is busy or distracted by other things (unless that’s part of what makes them “spontaneous”).

Remember that having fun is important! If all else fails, try making sure there’s at least some levity in most conversations; this will help keep things lighthearted while you’re still getting used to being apart from each other after such an intense personal transition as moving in together.

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Maintaining a high degree of regular contact is key for a healthy long-distance relationship.

Maintaining a high degree of regular contact is key for a healthy long-distance relationship.

In order to maintain a high degree of regular contact, you’ll need to ask yourself some tough questions about what’s realistic and what’s not. Is it possible that the two of you could see each other more often than once every couple of months? If so, how would this work logistically? Would one person have to move? Could both people relocate their jobs or find ones in the same city, or does one partner need to commute back and forth every week/month/year (or whatever)?

If you’re too busy with work right now but want something more than weekly phone calls, think about ways you can make time for each other during the week: maybe schedule coffee dates during your lunch break; do something fun together when one person is traveling on business; invite friends over so they can hang out while keeping tabs on their pets while they’re away; set up Skype dates at set times every day before bed or first thing in the morning—there are just so many possibilities!

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Keeping busy and maintaining a sense of honest connection with your partner is important for staying connected and happy throughout the week.

There are many reasons why people choose to keep busy when they’re in a long-distance relationship.

There’s a lot of talk about how keeping busy can help you stay focused on your goals, be motivated to get things done, avoid distractions and procrastination, and even stave off boredom.

But what does this mean? How can you make sure that you’re focusing on your goals rather than getting distracted by others’ goals? And how exactly do you avoid getting bored when things get slow?

Long-distance couples can sometimes feel as though a month goes by without much happening besides regular news about each other’s lives.

Long distance relationships can sometimes feel as though a month goes by without much happening besides regular news about each other’s lives. That makes it easy to start feeling disconnected from your partner when you’re not physically together.

It’s important to keep in touch and make regular plans for when you will be together. You’ll want at least one phone call or video chat per week, which is where things get tricky—what do you talk about? Do you tell the same stories over again? And if so, how do they stay fresh?

This is where those long-distance Skype sessions come in handy: Without distraction, it can be easier to ask questions like “How was your day today?” or “What are some of the things you’ve been thinking about lately?” And remember that even if this feels awkward at first (and probably will), there’s no reason why we shouldn’t share our feelings with each other—it doesn’t mean we don’t trust our partners!

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With good communication and a strong commitment, LDRs really can work out

LDRs can last if you have a strong commitment to making it work, and that means good communication. You need to be honest with each other (it’s okay to cry sometimes), patient (your partner is going through their own struggles too), and trustful that everything will be okay in the end. And don’t forget to laugh at yourselves!

The secret ingredient? A sense of humor. Humor helps you get through tough times and helps strengthen your relationship in ways nothing else can.

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Long-distance relationships can be difficult. They require a lot of work, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. The key is to keep your eyes on the prize and focus on what’s important: the love you share with your partner. If you can do that, then you’ll have no problem staying happy in your relationship—even when you’re apart!

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